Another popular question without a specific or standard answer. The number of fun casino tables you need for your event is really your decision, but it depends on several factors:
- How many guests are you inviting?
We normally recommend that you hire one table per 40-50 guests, but remember that the more tables you have, the more people will be able to play at any one time. Read more about this at usa pavilion, at the same time learn something useful.
- How big is the venue?
Our fun casino tables are full size and some of them are over 10 foot in length. You’ll need to ensure that the venue you are holding the event in has enough room for all the tables you require. If you’re not sure about space allowance, we’ll happily contact the venue for you and discuss set up and floor plans.
- Which casino games do you and your guests like the best?
By far, classic slots is one of the most popular casino games at a fun casino, next are roulette and blackjack. Poker is a very popular card game as well, but the nature of the game means it’s not entirely suited to a party atmosphere. Poker games can go on for hours and hours, and only a small number of people can play at any one time, whereas blackjack and roulette are far more sociable. A hand of blackjack is dealt roughly every 30-60 seconds, so it’s easy to just dip in and out whenever you like. If you’re having over 100 guests, it might be a good idea to hire two blackjack tables and one roulette. Blackjack is always really popular and there’s nearly always a queue to play, so if you have the two of them, it shortens the queue dramatically!
- What is the budget for your fun casino party?
Obviously, the more tables you hire, the more the price of hire goes up, but hiring a fun casino doesn’t have to be very expensive, and there are lots of discounts and offers to be had here there and everywhere. At Harlequin Fun Casino, we offer a discount when hiring two or more tables, and occasionally you’ll find other offers on our Facebook and Twitter pages so stay in the loop to make the most of these great deals.