Party Casino London

Themed-events-1Harlequin hosted a party casino in London last night, and it was a roaring success. With one roulette table and two blackjack tables, the guests had plenty of space to move about and ensure they had the opportunity to play at each table. The party was in honour of Blake Rowland who turned 40 this weekend, and I am positive he won’t mind if I say that if his skills on the roulette table are anything to go by, he shouldn’t go rushing out to Vegas to play for real any time soon! I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone lose their fun money so quickly!

As a gesture of goodwill, we gave Blake a few more bucks to have another go, but we insisted he deviate slightly from his “All on Black” system. This time he lasted a good seven minutes!

Party casinos are so much fun, and work for all kinds of events. Anniversaries, birthday parties, wedding receptions, Christmas parties and so much more. Get in touch today to find out how we can make your party go with a bang!